Our Story

A message from D Hutton, Discover Laminin’s founder

Eighteen years ago, a friend sent an email about Laminin generated by Louie Giglio’s YouTube video. After I discovered Laminin and conducted further research, it became a mission and a divinely inspired project to create an original line of jewelry to celebrate Laminin and all its amazing properties. 

It was not until May 2009 when my beloved horse, Rock ‘O, received the West Nile Vaccine and unfortunately had a severe allergic reaction, which led to him being put to sleep a few days later. At a time of loss, I heard God say, “Now you have time to make the crosses, and He was cross!” Although my passion was taken away by losing my horse, a new purpose was found in manufacturing Intelligent Design Laminin Jewelry. With the assistance of “Angel” loans, this dream and purpose have materialized. 

The purpose was to be instrumental in the development of Intelligent Design Laminin Jewelry so that it is masterfully crafted and manufactured with the finest metals and materials available to celebrate its Intelligent Design. The intricate design of Laminin is what holds our cells and muscles intact in our bodies. To be instrumental in sharing this incredible protein and all the revolutionary medical breakthroughs related to the role and power of laminin with others has been very gratifying!

Those who are affected with neuromuscular diseases may have a possible cure in the near future due to the exciting new medical research involving Laminin. The goal is to bring renewed hope to those who are now suffering so that the promising new cures can become a reality sooner rather than later! 

It was very important to produce this project in the U.S.A. Local talent and resources to accomplish our dream and purpose have made this meaningful project a reality. This project aims to raise the level of awareness of Laminin and illustrate what it is and how it will impact medical discoveries and the quality of life. 

D Hutton

Soli Deo Gloria
All the Glory to God.