Laminin Medical News and Discoveries Crispr treatment reverses muscular dystrophy in mice 29 JULY 2019Chemistry World Current understanding and treatment of cardiac and skeletal…22 FEBRUARY 2019Dove Medical Press Can a Stem Cell Trick a Heart Muscle to Regenerate? 26 MARCH 2019Futurity First stage of research to regenerate heart muscle…26 MARCH 2019Duke-NUS A fully human system to cultivate skin cells for grafting31 OCTOBER 2018Duke-NUS Defense against joint degeneration 30 OCTOBER 2018MEDICAL XPRESS Cancer researchers at Purdue aim to take the ‘accelerator’…3 OCTOBER 2018Perdue University Duke study sheds light on how leukemia enters the brain9 SEPTEMBER 2018Duke-NUS New Treatment Regrows Complete Spinal Cord Injury…2 SEPTEMBER 2018Science Trends Elevated serum LAMC2 is associated with lymph node…2 JUNE 2018Dove Medical Press Laminin 511 is a target antigen in autoimmune pancreatitis8 AUGUST 2018Science Translational Medicine Leukemia Cells Take the Fast Track to the Nervous System18 JULY 2018Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology News 3D printed biomaterial promotes tissue regeneration20 JUNE 2018Physics World Antioxidant Dressing Accelerates Wound Healing in Diabetics19 JUNE 2018 Science Translational Medicine